Rip Curl Pro Mini Episode Four Featuring Taylor Knox, Pat Gudauskas, Reggae Ellis, Mike Jennings & Cameron Best
April 5 2018
Proudly Supported by Rip Curl
From the opening gong of Hells Bells to the sound of Italo Ferreira ringing the bells trophy from the winners stage we've got all the in's and out's, news and views from finals day at the Rip Curl Pro Bells Beach 2018.
Featuring the one and only king of rail Taylor Knox talking his friendship with Mick and Patty Gudauskas confirming Cahill is the reason for his Bells semi result. We also caught up with surf writer and star of the Dooley Mike Jennings and ABC's Cameron Best to compare the day with other sporting moments and finally we talk to the voice of Bells for 30 years Reggae Elliss about calling the final heat of Mick Fannings incredible full time competitive career.
Thanks to Rip Curl and the WSL for helping us with this series and remember to go to ripcurl dot com dot au to purchase a Mick Fanning World Tour commemorative T shirt.